Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Top Six- Round 3

I was going to have Seven members, but only six did the competition, so six it is! Here are the evaluations:

Gabisia9 - You got highest this round, it was so beautiful. I loved how you used multiple things to make your outfit. The thing I kept wondering is- where is paris? LOL. To see the scene go here:

Laursybear - Second place, not bad! You did a great job! I loved the roses, and everyother ones! So pretty! to see her scene go to :

Sushi_freak - Coolio! I heart the scenery! It was heavenly, literally, lOL. But, you were supposed to dress teh dolls with furniture. Dont worry, your not the only one! To see her scene go herE:

Beccaboo1995* = Pretty! I saw the shirt though, so you only did like half of it, LOL. I still loved though! It was so pretty! You came in 4th.

Dancergirl6536 = cool. That's pretty much it.. it was average..

blingblang11 = good. cool. average.. do beter this round! follow instruction!

OK, the next round is to tell me why you should win this competition. Only 3 will make it to the FINAL ROUND.

1 comment:

  1. i think i shoud be the winner of this comp because i am very stylish, and i'm perfectly for this. i love fashion, in the real live too i must be stylish for every day. and i think it is very impotant to be stylish but u must be our own. because your style represent u!i will look always specally not look like a normaly person who walks on the street.i am funny and open for new things.i love fashion chic, designing new things and a lot of other things...
    when u want a super model, than pick me! plz
