Monday, April 27, 2009

Roxy's Next Top Model + Winner of Contest

Hello fellow stardolls! The 2009 Model Medoll has been chosen. And, I have new on the Next Top Model Competetion. But first, I need to announce the winner.
The person I chose is amazingly talented in every way, and has modesty. But, at the same time, she is confident and stylish. The winner is . . . beccaboo1995*! I would like to say that other girls *cough laurseybear* =) made it the hardest decision. But, you will both have to face an even bigger challenge.
Roxy's Next Top Model will be taking place in May. (Early or middle) I am verry excited, but I want to have about 100 members before I begin the search. So, if you would, invite your closest and most fashionable freinds. I am trying my best to send out broadcasts, and even make posts in my club, so I would deeply appreciate it if you did the same.
Roxy's Next Top Model (RNTM) will have 12 seasons. Each season will last 2-3 months. You will be allowed to enter the competetion more than once, but, winners can not. I will need contestants and judges. I will be searching stardoll for the most fabulous judges possible. I am not sure if the judges will change or stay the same during seasons. Each member in the competition will either: Make a club scenery, make a scene in their album, or just dress up their medoll and take a "photo shoot". The winner will recieve 100 stardollars, the credit of being RNTM winner, and a feature in candsdance's magazine. Trust me, it will be amazing and super fun! If you have any other questions, mail me,or write a comment below.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Top Six- Round 3

I was going to have Seven members, but only six did the competition, so six it is! Here are the evaluations:

Gabisia9 - You got highest this round, it was so beautiful. I loved how you used multiple things to make your outfit. The thing I kept wondering is- where is paris? LOL. To see the scene go here:

Laursybear - Second place, not bad! You did a great job! I loved the roses, and everyother ones! So pretty! to see her scene go to :

Sushi_freak - Coolio! I heart the scenery! It was heavenly, literally, lOL. But, you were supposed to dress teh dolls with furniture. Dont worry, your not the only one! To see her scene go herE:

Beccaboo1995* = Pretty! I saw the shirt though, so you only did like half of it, LOL. I still loved though! It was so pretty! You came in 4th.

Dancergirl6536 = cool. That's pretty much it.. it was average..

blingblang11 = good. cool. average.. do beter this round! follow instruction!

OK, the next round is to tell me why you should win this competition. Only 3 will make it to the FINAL ROUND.